21 Jul 2020 11:00 - 12:00

Webinaire gratuit - Obtenir de meilleurs résultats grâce à un système de refroidissement optimisé


Cooling takes up most of the total molding cycle time. A well-designed cooling system will reduce moulding time and result in significant savings in production. Several factors influence the cooling time, such as product design, moulding parameters, mould design, etc. In this webinar, we will show what Moldex3D can do in the cooling system, which is useful to optimize your production cycle time and meet the quality standard of your parts.

During this webinar you will discover the new features of the R2020 version which brings new and even more powerful possibilities and allows you to take into account the time after opening the mold.
Different case studies will allow you to discover studies with classical cooling, more specific cooling but also with taking into account induction type systems.

Webinar highlights:
_Cooling capacities of Moldex3D
_Advanced cooling functions
_Case Study

Inform yourself and sign up now!

Registration deadline: 20-07-2020 at 15:00 hrs

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