28 Jul 2020 11:00 - 12:00

Webinaire gratuit - Améliorer la qualité des pièces grâce à l'analyse du bloc chaud


In this webinar we will have the opportunity to discover common problems in the world of injection molding (welding lines, stress traces, flow lines...).
We will also see how to remove them using the hot runner system.

Moldex3D has a complete capability in hot runner modeling, it is possible to take into account the smallest detail of the block and perform simulations.
Using the capabilities of Moldex3D to simulate one of the most important phases will allow you to significantly improve your results, to understand the appearance defects but also to find solutions for other technical points.
Moldex3D's Hot runner solution allows you to simulate pin movement, to use sequential when necessary. Come and discover Hot runners with us.

Webinar highlights:
_Hot runner
_ Sequential injection
_ Pin movement
_ Appearance defect

Inform yourself and sign up now!

Registration deadline: 27-07-2020 at 15:00 hrs



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