22 Sep 2021 bis 23. Sep 2021 09:00 - 15:00
in Digital | Zeitzone MESZ

Moldex3D Digital Transformation 2021


The Moldex3D Digital Transformation 2021 conference is an online event for global experts who are eager to share their knowledge about interesting topics for what might be the most business-critical area of our time and who want to gather more information about enterprise digital transformation. The two-day event will take place on September 22 and 23, 2021 and has more than 20 renowned speakers from the US, Asia and Europe who will dive thoroughly into the digital business world and enlighten the audience about state-of-the-art manufacturing processes, digital transormation, and  presenting business use cases, common challenges and inspirational ideas. A balanced mixture between industry and academical content will be given.

On day one, SimpaTec will participate at the conference with a presentation titled: Thermal Mold Simulation – Why is it so important?, held by Cristoph Hinse, General Manager from SimpaTec. We look forward to welcoming you and are happy to answer your questions.

More information about the presentation, the event and registration options can be found here!



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