11 Apr 2023 20:00 - 21:00
in Digital | Zeitzone MESZ



Start of the event:
20:00 p.m. (MESZ Berlin)
02:00 p.m. (EDT, North Carolina)
13:00 a.m. (ICT, Bangkok)

Examine materials, compare and search for alternatives - easier than ever!

Make the right material selection!
Selecting the right material in the design phase is crucial to reduce failure rates in production. Finding alternative materials is often the key to maintain the speed for volume production.

In this digital event, we will introduce you to the graphical user interface and basic functions of MHC in a LIVE Session. You will also learn how to select the right material using the search tools.

Material Hub Cloud (MHC) is not only a cloud-based database equipped with the latest material information but also an assistant to plastic part designers, plastic processing operators, product manufacturing supply chain, CAE engineers, and scientific researchers. One can access all data from anywhere at any time without installing any additional software. Easy navigation through over 8,000 data entries and the search function for alternative materials help designers, toolmakers, engineers, etc. to find ideal materials faster, shorten project times and make communication with customers a lot easier.

Event Highlights:
 _ Features and benefits of MHC
         _ Material database viewer
         _ Alternative materials
         _ Material selection
         _ Material comparison
 _ User interface and use of MHC
 _ Intelligent selection of materials

Digital platform:
_ MS Teams
_ For technical handling please use official email addresses and no gmail, hotmail, etc. accounts. Thank you.

Register now!

Deadline: 10.04.2023 at 5:00 pm



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+49 241 56 52 76-0

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