23 Nov 2023 21:00 - 22:00
in Digital | Zeitzone MEZ

BIMS 1 webinar - In search of the optimal injection time


Start of the event:
21:00 p.m. (MEZ Berlin)
03:00 p.m. (EST, North Carolina)
02:00 a.m. (ICT, Bangkok)

In search of the optimal injection time is something everyone thrives for when being involved in injection molding for the plastics industry. How this can be done and what effect it has will be explained in today's webinar held by Dr. Vito Leo, who has more than 30 years’ experience precisely in this industry.

Furthermore, he will also explain more about more about the background, advantages, target audience and contents of the BIMS 1 seminar “Understanding Injection Molding of Thermoplastics”, which is also held by him regularly and is described by participants as:
"Almost perfect! Complex facts are conveyed in an understandable way and make appetite for more!"

The general intention of the BIMS seminars  is to help professionals of injection molding, whatever their scientific background, to develop a much deeper understanding of the polymer physics behind the process.

The webinar language is English.

Inform yourself and sign up now!

Registration deadline: 22-11-2023 at 17:00 hrs

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