Moldex3D SYNC!
18. Oct 2023

Moldex3D SYNC!


Moldex3D SYNC is a user-friendly and multifunctional tool. In the product development process CAD and CAE should go hand in hand. Cross-departmental collaboration with data exchange, conversion, export and import have become a daily routine for engineers. Moldex3D SYNC helps to ease the challenging daily work. How exactly this works is explained in our article ...

SYNC fully integrates CAD and CAE software, supports NX, Creo and Solidworks and allows users to perform part analysis directly in the CAD software. By reading native geometry files, you can avoid geometry errors and improve meshing quality.
Furthermore, and to improve the efficiency of design optimization, Moldex3D SYNC provides the Design Parameter Optimization (DPS) function, which allows you to set a range of geometric parameters, proceed batch analysis, perform multi-parameter or multi-objective comparisons, present the results in the form of parallel coordinates, and then find the most suitable parameters according to specifications.

sDFM function allows you to customize product quality specification. After performing the analysis, you can directly view the qualify items on SYNC, achieve product design optimization!

We are more than happy to answer your questions and inform you in detail about Moldex3D SYNC. Please contact: 0241 565 276-0 or send an email to

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