Moldex3D iSLM - Security management
13. Dec 2023

Moldex3D iSLM - Security management


Moldex3D iSLM (intelligent Simulation Lifecycle Management) is an intelligent and interactive data management platform designed specifically for plastic engineering companies. It not only records and visualizes every phase of the mold development data online but also ensures your data security. Additonally, centralized data storage allows for easier IT management and data backup. Another great feature is that the data access can be defined based on user rights, this goes as far as access rights for customers or supplier user-defined permission assignments for each user account, practically also to be able to administer entire teams.

We are more than happy to answer your questions and inform you in detail about Moldex3D iSLM. Please contact us at: 0241 565 276-0 or send an email

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